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📚We learned a lot yesterday, and there's more to come from the INsure Health and Benefits Expo! An #Ethics CE is coming up Friday. Our instructional partners have asked for a pre-registration list to help speed up their accounting. Pre-register at

About a month ago from ISAHU's Twitter via CoSchedule

Make Healthcare Work Again

Let’s Make America’s Healthcare Work Again!

Show your support and purchase a pin below

Show your support for consumer choice with this “Let’s make America’s healthcare work again” lapel pin. It’s time to rally around real, comprehensive, market-based solutions for health care in America.

Available for $10 each, funds raised from the sale of these pins benefit the Indiana State Association of Health Underwriters and the ongoing effort to reform America’s healthcare and insurance system. Bulk order discounts available by contacting David Berman.

Several reform plans are floating around Washington, including a return to the old status quo and variations of Indiana’s successful and cost-reducing Healthy Indiana Plan pioneered under former Governor Mitch Daniels and architected by Seema Verma. Verma is now working with the Trump Administration on ways to expand HIP nationally.

Whatever comes from Washington, stand with us to show your support for consumer choice, market solutions, lower costs, and better health for everyone.

Indiana State Association of Health Underwriters