Noun 1. Power or influence. Informal. pull; strong influence; muscle, esp. political power
The Indiana State Association of Health Underwriters Political Action Committee (ISAHU-PAC), since its inception in 2004, has donated tens of thousands of dollars to both political parties made possible by contributions from ISAHU members. Contributions are managed and political donations are determined by the ISAHU – PAC Board of Directors.
ISAHU member contributions have allowed ISAHU-PAC to become a powerful source of clout within the halls of the Indiana State House.
Successes visible and invisible across the State Legislature
Since its establishment ISAHU-PAC has:
- Donated over tens of thousands of dollars to causes vital the health insurance market in Indiana.
- Established a mechanism for resiliency against sudden changes in the health market, should they materialize now or in the future based on Congress’ discretion.
- Nurtured hundreds of relationships with lawmakers in both parties in Indiana.
- Successfully prevented the destruction of dental and physician networks in Indiana health insurance markets. This has undoubtedly kept prices lower for consumers.
- Created a long record of value-driven decisions to maximize the impact of donations. By donating to caucuses, events, and committees where it matters, and when it matters, donations are noticed when it counts.
- Established ISAHU-PAC as a preeminent leader in Hoosier healthcare policy. Members of ISAHU and donors to ISAHU-PAC have real clout in the legislature.
- Successfully lobbied for Continuing Education credit carry over of up to 12 hours of credits passed in the 120 days prior to an agent’s license renewal.
Help us grow our clout and insure against the future
As the federal government continues to debate healthcare policy, it could reasonably fall on state legislatures to define more of their market. We’ve already seen measures for single-payer systems in multiple states around the country. Busted budgets and higher consumer premiums follow in their wake.
Your donation to ISAHU-PAC supports caucuses and committees that protect jobs, consumers, physicians, and agents, brokers, and more. We can preserve the marketplace and shape it as we’d like through ISAHU-PAC.
Get Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
Who can contribute to ISAHU-PAC?
Contributions to the PAC may be made by any member of ISAHU. There are no limits on contributions by individual members. Although narrowly applicable state laws limit or prohibit contributions by certain corporations, generally speaking, any corporation may make a contribution subject to the limitations. Note: A “corporation” does not include other types of business entities, such as a limited liability company, a limited liability partnership, a partnership, a sole proprietorship, an unincorporated association, and similar entities.
ISAHU has a lobbyist working for us in Indianapolis. Why do we need to fund the PAC?
The function of ISAHU-PAC is to assure access to key legislators in the General Assembly. The function of the lobbyist is to ensure that when access is available, ISAHU’s positions are thoughtfully crafted and effectively delivered. Keep in mind that the lobbyist and the government relations programs of ISAHU are responsible for monitoring developments at the state level of government (including which elected officials do support or don’t support our goals) so that PAC funds can be distributed to have the most impact.
ISAHU PAC is the Indiana State Association of Health Underwriters’ political action committee. We contribute to campaigns of Indiana lawmakers that we want to support or those running against candidates we want to un-elect. It is the expression of our First Amendment rights to free speech and association guaranteed under the Constitution. Such political expression has become a far more than useful option for professionals in a heavily regulated business like health insurance. ISAHU PAC was created to allow contributors to combine their financial support to achieve maximum effect with our state elected officials.
Why is ISAHU PAC Necessary?
Few other industries are as heavily regulated as health insurance. Therefore, YOUR success, and that of YOUR clients, is directly dependent upon the actions of our state officials. It is absolutely critical that we help those state candidates who support private sector health insurance and the free market system.
To Whom Does ISAHU PAC Contribute?
Generally speaking, ISAHU PAC contributes to candidates that support our positions on health insurance. In certain instances, we may contribute to committee members of important health insurance related issues such as the Senate and House Insurance Committee. Because ISAHU PAC is bi-partisan it does not represent the interests of any political party but it does represent those who are aligned with our interests. Your Indiana Representative and Senator can be found at
How Can You Help Make a Difference?
It is mission critical that our members work together to counteract the strong and united forces of special interest groups that oppose free enterprise of health care and our positions on regulating the health insurance industry. ISAHU PAC allows you to join your colleagues, friends and clients to combine resources and strength to make a difference for your clients, our industry and above all the great state of Indiana. One example of a recent success is our leadership with the passage of the 1332 waiver under the ACA that allows states to develop their own options where the ACA is failing. The 2017 Indiana General Assembly (our House and Senate) passed this in 2017.
How much should I contribute to ISAHU-PAC?
There are four main programs for individual participation, although individual contributions can be received for any amount. As a convenience to our PAC members, contributions can be made by credit cards, debit cards or through monthly installments that spread the total contribution over a year.
The Washington Club “One Dollar a Day” puts you at the top of the PAC membership groups. This commitment can be made as a single payment of $365, or monthly payments of $31.00 by credit card.
The Jackson Club Twenty dollars a month qualifies you for this special level of PAC membership. This commitment can be made as a single payment of $240, or monthly installments of $20.00 by credit card.
The Hamilton Club Ten dollars a month is a solid investment in ISAHU-PAC. You can meet this level of participation with a single $120 contribution, or with monthly installments of $10.00 by credit card.
The Lincoln Club The Lincoln Club asks you to make a single $60 contribution to the PAC, or make monthly installments of $5.00 by credit card.
Please Note: Contributions to ISAHU-PAC are strictly voluntary and not a prerequisite for membership in your Health Underwriters Association. Contributions are not deductible as charitable contributions for state or federal income tax purposes.
ISAHU-PAC Online Donation
For questions or concerns about ISAHU PAC, write to:
c/o David Berman
5518 Hammock Glen Drive
Indianapolis, IN 46235