2020-2021 ISAHU Strategic Plan Meeting
Our Mission:
ISAHU will improve its members’ ability to meet the health, financial and retirement security needs of all Americans through education, advocacy and professional development.
Our Vision:
Every American will have access to private sector solutions for health, financial, and retirement security and services of insurance professionals.
Attending in Person: Jennifer Mitchen, Jeff Goodwin, Denny Wright, Jennifer Revell, Dwight Hall, Craig Rubel, Carolyn Beck, Barb Wright, Nicole Fairbairn, Justin Harter, Jessica Clayton
Chapter Presidents: Doug Skinner & Thomas Mackey
Attending via phone: Jessica Croquart, David Berman, Justin Reinig, Susan Rider, Tom Gant and Pat Griffey, NAHU President, Lisa Frazzetta-Manning
Exec Call: 2nd Tuesday of the month at 9:00
ISAHU Board Calls 3rd Wednesday
Jennifer called strategic meeting to order at 1:00 PM
Jeff was presented his gavel and US flag
Jeff’s Recap- He sent out an email outlining the success we had this past year.
We were very successful in awards we won at the National Convention!!!
Two year contract extension for SuperPixel
New contract with TorchBearer
Insure Expo
Financial/Budget: Denny Wright
We will get the budget out during the July meeting
Expense Reimbursement and travel P&P are on the website
75% reimbursement for the NAHU Convention
Jennifer’s goals for 2020 -2021 ~
Theme: Execute. Excite. Results
Execute-Landmark Award is the roadmap and strategic plan document. We don’t have an Awards Chair, so we all have to step up and take ownership
Excite-Have Fun! We want membership to be reinvigorated to join us
Results-Will come if the first two things happen
Jennifer’s Asks: Communicate, communicate, communicate
Participate in the Regional calls
Asked Jeff to relax and enjoy being Past President
Dropbox updated and utilized for all documents
Board has 3 functions
- Support local chapters
- Help locals to increase membership
- Being fiscally sound
Past President: Jeff Goodwin
- Jeff will work on Chapter Certification
- 4 P&Ps will expire, and Jeff will set up a committee up to work on the P&Ps
- Corporate Sponsorship Program needs to be visited again
- Voting electronically-We can but Roberts Rules of Order recommends non-profits not vote electronically
- Gloria Sanchez of the Employer’s Forum is working behind the scenes to have broker commissions included in transparency.
Secretary: Jennifer Revell
- Dropbox
Treasurer: Denny Wright
- Close out the fiscal year after today
- File state, federal and non-profit taxes. We work with a CPA firm
- Expense Reports – 30 day filing deadline
- treasurer@isahu.org
Communications: Justin Harter
Increase membership and engagement
Professional Development: Jessica Clayton
Primarily takes care of CE filing and she will reach out to the locals to offer support.
If local chapters need help, Jessica can help
Jeff Goodwin and Susan Rider are both the IDOI CE Filings that are represented to the department and if they are approved, partially approved, or denied. We need to file a class 60 days in advance.
Jennifer Mitchen asked Jessica to let the locals know we are here to help with the speakers bureau and we may know people who could help. We need to work through virtual CE and if we can charge for it.
Susan informed us there is a Chapter Toolkit that will be launched soon.
Jennifer wants us to share that CE is not the means to an end, because there is a lot of networking opportunity.
Nicole asked if we could propose having carryover CE Credit. There is a period of time where after you renew but before your next license start date begins.
HUPAC/NAHU Federal Pac – Dwight Hall
Jen asked that we bump up the HUPAC contributions
- All ISAHU Board members be a contributor
- All Local Board members be a contributor unless their company prohibits it
- More consistent communication with the local chairs
- Roger is the State PAC Chair and Administrator:
You do not have to be a member
Corporations can contribute
Both PACs are bipartisan
More communication and reach out if you ever have questions or need help with a campaign
Legislation – Susan Ride
- She will support all the local legislative chairs. She has been very active with Dave Berman and Dwight Hall.
- Attend ever chapter at least once whether in person or virtually
- They are working on legislation about Direct Primary Care and HSAs
- David and Carol with Torchbearer will have weekly calls with Susan
- State Leg call monthly
Media Relations – Shawn Gibbons
- He will continue doing the press releases, but he is worried about the speed of the releases
- Carolyn shared that Shawn maximizes the points on press releases
- We can submit Letters to the Editors, etc and we should do more of that, as well
- We did not get any points for Letters to the Editors, Op Eds and TV or Radio
Membership/Retention – Barb Wright
- Barb will be emailing all Jthe local presidents. One thing she has been having success with her own business, Wright Financial is sending handwritten notes.
- There are 900 points available and we only got 300 points
Membership/New – Craig Rubel
- Engaged with the Indy chapter and will reach out to the local presidents
- He will be there as a resource
- Wants to visit each chapter sometime throughout the year
- Personal letter or birthday card is so nice
Education Foundation Chair – Carolyn Beck
- NAHU asks locals to have this chair, but we have not had a state chair
- Resource to the locals
- There are grants that we can help those in the local areas of the underserved
- There is an arm of the foundation for healthcare education
- She will update us monthly
- There is a toolkit out there with a lot of info
Advisors – Nicole Fairbairn & Dave Berman
2019-2020 Strategic Plan
2019-2020 ISAHU Strategic Plan Meeting Minutes
In attendance:
Jeff Goodwin, Shawn Gibbons, Jennifer Revell, Justin Harter, Jessica Clayton, Dwight Hall, Roger Skinner, Carolyn Beck, Jessica Croquart, Barb Wright, Denny Wright, Nicole Fairbairn, Pat Griffey, Keyana Warren, Jennifer Mitchen, Don Griffey, Alicia Webber, and Doug Skinner.
Joining via telephone:
Allie Billows
Our Mission:
ISAHU will improve its member’s ability to meet the health, financial and retirement security needs of all Americans through education, advocacy and professional development.
Our Vision:
Every American will have access to private sector solutions for health, financial, and retirement security and services of insurance professionals.
Strategic Goals and Objectives
Goal #1: To provide benefits to our valued members:
- Communicate the “value of membership” to both our current & future members by working more closely with all local chapters to assist their new members marketing efforts
- Conduct the Annual State Convention and Medicare Summit on a profitable basis by offering subject matter expert speakers and unique CE courses on up-to-the minute topics
- Conduct Carol Cutter Outing on a profitable basis
- Increase Networking opportunities at State & Local Chapter events
- Continue to improve the newly formatted monthly newsletters – including articles on current issues & events from:
- State president and all ISAHU Board of Directors and Committee Chairs
- Increase sponsorship opportunities at the State Convention, Medicare Summit, Carol Cutter Memorial Golf Outing
- Update the ISAHU Corporate Sponsorship Program
- Develop new membership programs to attain level or increase net number of members
- Manage ISAHU in a fiscally sound manner and conduct regular monthly Executive Committee and Board of Directors meetings
- Increase number of attendees at the Region 3 and NAHU National Convention
Goal #2: To increase Legislative Activities:
- Maintain and update the contract for lobbying services with Bose Public Affairs Group to keep ISAHU up to date on pertinent legislative issues
- Provide opportunities for ISAHU members to interact with our state & Federal legislators
- Conduct a Day on the Hill event with NAIFA
- Have Legislative related speakers at meetings
- Attend Political Fundraising events
- Increase or maintain attendance at Capitol Conference
- Legislative bulletins via email as events occur in the Indiana Legislature
- Legislative reports in monthly newsletters and on the ISAHU website
- Monitor the use of ISAHU-PAC & HUPAC contributions in Indiana
- Maintain involvement in state and local political campaigns
Goal #3: To recognize the achievements of our members & chapters.
- Qualify for the NAHU Chapter Certification at the Gold level
- Encourage all local chapters to qualify for NAHU Chapter Certification at the Silver level or above
- Submit an application for the Landmark Award for ISAHU each year
- Assist local chapter Awards Chairs in submitting Pacesetter Awards
- Nominate at least two Indiana members each year for a Distinguished Service Award Nominees
Goal #4: To become known as knowledgeable leaders in our industry.
- Active involvement with the Indiana Department of Insurance
- Build partnerships and coalitions with outside organizations in order to better promote our vision.
- Maintain and improve relationships with other agent groups such as NAFIA, the Big I, PIA, etc.
- Speakers to make presentations to groups in and out of the insurance industry
- Maintain active distribution of Press Releases detailing ISAHU member achievements
Goal #5: Update the Strategic Membership Plan
Increase the use of Super Pixel’s data base and email campaigns – renew Super Pixel agreement
- Continue to develop, monitor and update the “master database” of prospective members from non-member individuals who have attended local and state chapter events and former members who have lapsed their membership
- Develop a professional email drip marketing campaign to identified prospective members on the master data base to recruit them to become NAHU members.
- Focus strategically on Medicare Agents that are nonmembers to join NAHU
- Continually monitor marketing efforts to prospective members for effectiveness and update as needed.